Want to know the secret behind a gracious home?
About the author

Beth Reed
A gracious home does not depend on size or price...it depends on the heart that inhabits the home. My focus is to help you find the right space to establish your gracious home.
Over the years, I have had the privilege of visiting hundreds of homes.
Big homes, little homes, old homes, new homes…some barely-still-standing homes. Occasionally, you find yourself in a home that just feels good. It lifts your mood and eases your spirit. It’s the kind of place you want to linger a little longer. It’s gracious.
So, what do these gracious homes have in common? It’s not the size…or the price point…or the neighborhood…or the architectural style. No, it’s something more subtle. Something more organic. Something that seems to spill over from the very marrow of the house. And therein lies the key. Pay attention. Here’s the secret. A gracious home is dependent upon the heart that inhabits it.
A gracious home invites you to come in and stay awhile. A gracious home “speaks” to its guests. You are welcome here. You are appreciated here. You can be yourself here. Relax and be refreshed. I prepared for your arrival.
My husband and I were recently invited to a small dinner party. The hostess heard of my love for hydrangeas. As we entered their home, I was greeted by the sight of hydrangeas…on the kitchen island, on the serving buffet, on the dining room table and even a small cutting of hydrangeas in the powder room.
I was both honored and humbled that someone would be so intentional and generous in extending kindness. The thoughtfulness of the gesture both encouraged me and inspired me. I want to cultivate that type of hospitality. Couldn’t we all use a little more thoughtfulness these days?
I have also had the great privilege of travelling to other countries and visiting homes much more modest than we are accustomed to. Again, I was deeply moved by the graciousness of the hosts. The offering of a chilled bottle of water, a damp cloth to wipe my hands and a tiny piece of candy to enjoy. The home itself was cramped with too many people for the space and furniture too large for the small room. But it was gracious. Again, remember the secret:
A gracious home does not depend on the size or price of the house; rather, it depends on the heart of those who inhabit it.
Gracious, by definition, means courteous, kind or pleasant. The best news for each of us is that we can create a gracious home for all who enter. It does not require a big budget. It does not require professional design services. It does not require “fancy” serving pieces. Graciousness simply requires a little forethought and intentionality. Are you interested in curating a gracious home? One that welcomes and refreshes the weary? One that embraces both friends and strangers?
If so, start small. Big projects can become overwhelming and remain undone. Pick a “spot.” It could be an entire room or just a quiet corner within a room. Examine your “spot” as an outsider would. Someone who is seeing it for the very first time. What needs to be added – or taken away- to make the spot cozy and inviting? Is the lighting too dim or too bright? Are there too many pillows to comfortably sit down? Do I have something on hand to serve my guest?
(Remember this could be as simple as a glass of water and a piece of candy. Or a glass of lemonade and a Biscoff cookie. Don’t get crazy!) Does it smell pleasant? (Think Volcano candle from Anthropologie.) Does it sound pleasant? (Think Smooth Jazz on Spotify.) You are well on your way to creating a gracious space within your home.
Perhaps you are inspired to take a fresh look at your home. Perhaps you are inspired to look for a new home. (Yes, of course, I’d love to help you with that!) Either way, keep this in mind: It’s not about the stuff. It’s about the thoughtfulness and intentionality of gracious hospitality. Remember the secret: